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Journal Articles
TV Clips

Anthony Bates Foundation - Cardiac Screening        Twitter @A_BatesFndtn

The foundation works to save the lives through cardiac screening. It is the physical exertion of the heart during exercise and the cool down phase of the heart that can cause a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). There may be no symptoms. Look for or request a screening in your area.


Helping Parents Heal - A non-profit organization dedicated to assisting parents who have lost children, giving them support and resources to aid in the healing process. They go a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences and evidence for the afterlife, in a non-dogmatic way. Affiliate groups are expected to welcome everyone regardless of religious (or non-religious) background and allow for open dialog.

Dan Secrest, DC - Dr. Secrest is a practicing chiropractic physician.  He is a firm believer in a multi-disciplined approach to healthcare.

Staying Healthy and Avoiding Injuries in Sports

This interesting and informative article deals with the physical aspects of injury. The article was forwarded to me by Meghan Guerriero, a health counselor, who shares weight loss and healthy living experiences. The article was found by her helper, Tanner. Enjoy.

Mission of Mercy (Dr Ray in videos)

Video - MOM - AZ Tax Credit (2019) Mission of Mercy-Medical Help for the uninsured. Glad to be a part of it for the past 9 yrs <>

Video - Mission of Mercy Arizona - Inspiring Hope 2018 <>

AZTV15 Billions in medication destroyed <>

Cases, Conditions

Healing Bone Breaks

18 Amazing Cases: 10 patients, neck cholecystitis, bone, arm, hip, breast cancer, Lyme Disease, shoulder stress fracture, ankle, hip flexor, fused vertebrae, knee, toe, hand


Provider with Brain Injury Alliance AZ, (4/19)

1/19, I became an Adjunct Professor at the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (PIHMA). I will be teaching a safe, drugless, non-invasive method, I developed, called PsychNeuro Pain Response™ (PNPR™). It changes behavior & eliminates physical, mental, emotional pain.

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