Coach discusses his knee injury treatment, his daughter's broken hand and his team's state XC championships
My name is Mark Sabala and I am a cross country/track coach in Missouri. Your name was brought to my attention about you looking for human interest stories. There is a gentleman in Scottsdale, Arizona who is doing some amazing things with pain relief and athletic performance. His name is Dr. Raymond Petras. I came across him about 2012 when I was having a lot of pain from a knee injury sustained in a car accident years before. I had 9 surgeries to help repair the knee and take away the pain I was having. None of the surgeries worked as the pain was constant and debilitating. When I came across Dr. Petras on a LinkedIn connection, he offered his services to me. I worked with him, for one session, over the phone and the pain in my knee was gone. We did some follow-up sessions to deal with some minor flare ups, but I am currently pain free in my knee. This was just over the phone! My daughter just happened to break her hand in a freak accident and was in a lot of pain. While I was on the phone with Dr. Petras, he asked if he could speak with her. I agree and he spoke with her for 15 minutes and took her through his program...she was pain free and did not have to take any pain meds after. When we went to the follow-up appointment, she had zero pain. Her hand had healed weeks earlier than expected. The doctor took another x-ray. He compared it to the old one because he could not see the fracture site.
Due to these experiences with Dr. Petras, I asked him to work with my cross country teams before we competed at the State Championships. He was able to take away pain in athletes, work with their anxiety and fears and basically assist in preparing them to compete at their optimal level. With his added assistance, the teams were able to compete at the State Championships for 6 consecutive years and win three state championships and a runner-up finish. The athletes asked to work with him each year as it helped to get them focused and take care of pain issues. A majority of the athletes would run season best times after working with him or just feel better when they ran.
He is doing some amazing things and I think it would be a good area to look into as mental training is becoming more common in not only athletics, but life.
He does have a website, which is Pain Relief | Scottsdale | Dr. Raymond J. Petras | reliefforyou
Thank you and please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions,
Mark Sabala
Hermitage XC/Track (Contact Dr. Petras for info on Coach Sabala)
Testimonials - Categories
The following testimonials are divided into various categories. Yet, they deal with different conditions and injuries.
Scroll down to your area of interest.
Categories (in this order):
Speed Skating
Track & Field
Weight Lifting
MEDICAL - Physicians, Dentists, Trainers, etc.
Pain Patients
Dr. Petras, "worked on ten of our patients, most of them among our most difficult patients. All of them had at the time of his session an excellent response with either marked reduction or elimination of pain.” Dr. C. Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D. - Neurosurgeon, Director-Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Care, Springfield, MO
Neck Injury-Hockey, Canada
“I specifically recall one event the illustrates both the efficacy and safety of the PNPR™ technique as applied by Dr. Petras. During on of the university of Ottawa varsity hockey team’s games, I witnessed one of the players crash into the boards head first, resulting in an injury to the neck area. I examined the player immediately on the ice surface and determined that although there was no evidence of a neck fracture, he had sustained a significant neck strain. There was marked tenderness and spasm of the paravertebral muscles with severe restriction of all range of motions of the neck. I re-examined the player in the dressing room 15 minutes later and found no change in the symptoms or physical examination. I asked Dr. Petras to apply his PNPR™ technique on the injured player. When I re-examined the player 30 minutes later, there was a substantial reduction in pain (without medication) and a significant improvement in range of motion on the neck (to within 10% of normal). I had never seen such a rapid improvement in a injured athlete’s symptoms in all my 15 years of Sports Medicine. The PsychoNeuro Pain Response™ (PNPR™) Technique is very safe and effective in reducing pain and improving range of motion. I highly recommend his service to both professional and amateur organizations wishing to accelerate the return to play of their athletes.” Dr. Gary Greenberg, M.D., FRCPC - Medical Director, Sports Medicine, Emergency Medicine Physician, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Injury Management-Acute-Insurance-Canada
“Dear Dr. Kelly: (Medical Director - Canadian Workplace Safety & Insurance Board) - 2/03 I am writing to you on behalf of Dr. Petras. I was the Director of the University of Ottawa Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy Centre during the years that Dr. Petras developed the technique called the PsychoNeuro Pain Response. As a Sports Medicine physician who provided medical care to varsity athletes at the University of Ottawa, I had personally witnessed this technique performed by Dr. Petras on athletes who had sustained both acute and subacute injuries. Not only was the technique safe, it was very effective in providing significant pain relief both immediately and long term as well as providing immediate and lasting improvement in function as measured by range of motion and ability to return to play. Although the mechanisms of how this technique works are not fully understood by me, I have seen the results and they have been impressive. There is no doubt in my mind that if this technique were applied to patients with even chronic pain, there would be beneficial results. It is unfortunate that Provincial Health Plans or private health insurance coverage do not cover his services. Had they done so, we would have employed him with us a long time ago in managing the patients who present with painful injuries and dysfunction due to painful joints.” Dr. Gary H. Greenberg, M.D., FRCPC, Medical Director - University of Ottawa Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy Centre, N203 – 801 King Edward Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Head & Neck, Facial Pain: Whiplash, Headaches, TMJ, Tic Douloureux-Canada
“I observed Dr. Petras’ work and am astounded at the immediate, effective and lasting results... he worked with many of my patients and friends for a variety of head and neck pain due to whiplash, headaches, TMJ, tic douloureux (trigeminal neuralgia) and other injuries. Each time he visits Ottawa, I have patients scheduled to see him. The patients have commented on, as I have observed, his caring and respectful attitude toward their injury and pain. I find his approach to patient care healthy and refreshing. Because he uses no drugs, manipulation or surgery I feel that his work is completely safe. Further, the results are immediate. Few alternatives are so effective. Not once in the years that I have worked closely with Dr. Petras, have I observed or heard of any adverse reaction to his technique. I have always remained the primary doctor, while Dr. Petras has been an important adjunct in helping me return these patients to normal function as quickly and safely as possible.” Dr. Paul Greenacre, D.D.S. - Medical Director, TMJ/Facial Pain Clinic, McGill University, Quebec-1970
Pain: Jaw & Neck, Chronic Headaches-Ready to retire:Returns to work
“... the three patients you saw have had good results with their pain control... jaw and neck, age 65... able to control the pain significantly... MJ... significant reduction in pain...chronic headaches...out of work for over a year and was ready to take early retirement. He has noted excellent response... and is going back to work tomorrow.” Dr. Mary Ezzo, M.D. - Family Physician, HealthEast Clinics, Family Practitioners, Cottage Grove, MN
Chronic Pain-Sister Kenny Institute: In-service Presentation
“I would like to tell you that the patient that you worked on was clearly very difficult, and from my perspective almost hostile. I was actually quite impressed with your methodology... I will continue to use your services...” Dr. Matthew Monsein, M.D. - Medical Director, Sister Kenny Institute, Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program, Minneapolis, MN
Cholecystitis-Total Pain Elimination- Guatemala City (through an interpreter)
“The patient had cholecystitis...intermittently bothering over months... When we went to her house (Guatemala City, Guatemala) the patient was in extreme pain that had been lasting over 12 hours. Following a 30 minute mental procedure (through an interpreter), that Dr. Petras performed on her, the patient stated the pain was completely gone...There definitely appears to be a role for PsychoNeuro Pain Response™ (PNPR™) in some patients with chronic pain not amenable to other modalities. I would recommend Dr. Petras highly for consideration in those cases.” (Pain never returned) Dr. Adam Costarella, M.D. FACEP, MAC - Emergency Medicine, Youngstown, OH
Remarkable Recovery
“While working side by side, I witnessed remarkable recovery in a wide range of conditions...” Dr. Paula Strait, D.O. - Family Physician, Chronic Pain and Chronic Illness Practice
St. Paul Police-Eliminate Yearlong Toothache Pain, Recommendation
“...I have worked with him (Dr. Petras) on several research projects and have found him to be thorough, exacting, and able to prepare a comprehensive research paper. As a colleague, I have found Dr. Petras to be enthusiastic, innovative, and extremely ethical. I have seen some of his work with pain management (experienced myself a total pain eliminate of a yearlong toothache) and have seen several demonstrations... His work has been at the cutting edge of pain management and hypnosis. Yet he does not take shortcuts in the interest of expediency. His professional work is a thorough as his academic work...he has my highest personal and professional recommendations.” Dr. Dennis Conroy, Ph.D. - Licensed Consulting Psychologist, Police Officer, St. Paul Police, MN-Employee Assistance
“I’m impressed with the results that he has achieved. I recommend him highly.” Dr. Dennis Conroy, Ph.D. - Licensed Consulting Psychologist, Police Officer, St. Paul Police, MN-Employee Assistance
Clinical Team Member
“He is a pleasure to observe in action. His gentle approach with pain patients allows them to be easily relaxed and responsive to his approach...I have found Dr. Petras competent, professional, and effective in our office. He is a pleasure to have on our clinical team.” Dr. Michael W. Loes, M.D. - Director, Arizona Pain Institute
Neck, Shoulder Pain, Headaches, Whiplash, Epichondilystis of Elbow
“Female, 64 yrs...with recurrent neck and shoulder pain with frequent headaches...treated by us with manual therapy, TENS, exercise, ultrasound and acupuncture...she plateaued and no therapy to date could manage effectively her recurrent occipital headache...After 3 sessions with Dr. Petras she had pain free periods...could manage the pain more effectively, was less tired and had a happier frame of mind... Case 2, female 43 yrs., whiplash and shoulder injury from auto accident...history of physical and mental abuse, reported frequent headaches, tight chest feeling and disturbed sleep...She saw Dr. Petras once and has reported full undisturbed sleep, no occipital headaches... Case 3, male, 52 yrs., post alcoholic, 2 severe heart attacks, aggressive personality with chronic epichondilytis of elbow...saw Dr. Petras four times...has increased ability to control mood changes...elbow pain is a lot lower. As a clinician, I have found this a very positive experience... Objectively it is hard to explain scientifically what is occurring (with Dr. Petras’ work) but subjectively I have seen positive results.” Lucie Blench, M.C.P.A. - Director, Owner, Physiotherapist, Movement Analysis and Treatment Center, Nepean, ON, Canada
Hockey Athletic Therapist-Hull Olympiques, Canada: Safe, Effective Rapid Recovery
“As athletic therapist for the Hull Olympiques, a Major Junior Hockey Team in Hull, Quebec (Canada), I have examined athletes both prior to and after the intervention. I have observed rapid recovery that I did not believe possible. In the three years that I have worked closely with Dr. Petras, I have come to the conclusion that the technique is both very safe and effective...I highly recommend...” Serge Haché - Athletic Therapist, Hull Olympiques (Canadian National Champions), Hull, Québec, Canada
Reducing, Eliminating Pain, Range of Motion-Athletic Therapist-U of Ottawa, Senators NHL
“Dr. Petras proved to be very effective in lessening and more often completely eliminating pain from our athletes. His work also substantially increased range of motion in many cases.” David Berry, B.P.E. (Hon), Dip. S.I.M., C.A.T. (C) - Athletic Therapist, Ottawa Senators/University of Ottawa, Canada
Performance, Injury Management-UST Cross Country
“... Dr. Raymond Petras did an exceptional job in working with my cross-country athletes in the areas of sports performance and injury management. His work in mental imagery, progressive relaxation, pain control and goal setting is impressive and unparalleled in some respects. Students, staff, and athletes alike have been impressed with the results of his skillful techniques and his professional and caring demeanor... his work for and with me has been that of the consummate professional as evidenced in the interviews with him, in his writings and as a presenter in my classes and before teams and professional groups.” Dr. Larry Russ, B.A., D.C. - Head Coach, Men’s Cross Country, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
After Injury: Returning to Play Faster, Safely
“The sessions you spent individually and as a group on our athletes proved to be a great success... resulting in them returning to play in a faster, safe manner.” Mick Matuszak, A.T.C. - Head Athletic Trainer, Lambuth University, TN
Physical Therapist, Reduces Tightness-Upper Trapezius
“I am a P.T. (physical therapist) who was in a lecture group you instructed. I followed along as your talked with a volunteer subject and (I) definitely have felt better with less tightness in my upper trapezius since then. Amazing!” Vi Kelm, P.T., Minneapolis, MN
“...I especially want to remark at how respectful you were of the patient.” Diana Colardi - Program Manager, Fairview Pain Management Center, Minneapolis, MN
Reduction of Fracture, Hip, Neck injury: Schwan’s USA Soccer Cup
“2002 USA Soccer Tournament in Blaine, MN. The patient, male had fractured his arm... Dr. Petras worked prior to the injection to numb the fracture...During the injection the patient did not show a lot of pain... he tolerated the reduction with only minimal discomfort. Usually reductions of fractures are fairly uncomfortable for patients and they exhibit a lot of pain behavior... this patient, did not... I think it would have been a much different outcome if Dr. Petras was not available to help... another case, female athlete had sustained a hip injury and was unable to walk... she was in a lot of pain, anxious and guarded... Dr. Petras then worked with her... she got off the table and walked without pain...third case...female on back board with neck injury... hyperventilating and anxious... Dr. Petras helped reduce anxiety and pain so that we could get a better assessment. In summary, I would like to commend Dr. Ray Petras for his assistance in dealing with these athletes, helping me to better treat them in a more timely fashion, decrease their pain and anxiety, and subsequently enable them to return to play and activity with less need for medical intervention, therapies, etc. Often times these injuries can turn into more chronic problems if the anxiety and pain continues at a higher level that it need be, and so I am sure that his work helped prevent some chronic problems as well. Dr. Petras conducted himself in a very professional manner, it was easy for these patients to talk with him and the results in some cases were fairly amazing. I wish more people had the opportunity to work with him, as a lot of people have acute pain and chronic pain and his approach can accomplish things that we cannot accomplish with medications, therapy, etc.” Dr. Brenda Wilcox Abraham, M.D., M.S. - Family Physician, Dept. of Family Practice, HealthPartners, Como Clinic, St. Paul, MN
Reduction of Fracture:Medical Director, Schwan’s USA Soccer Cup
“... We saw 540 patients during the week of the USA Cup and your efforts were strongly supportive of our goal to provide excellent care in a multidisciplinary setting. I am enclosing a letter from the mother (Nancy Shoup, RN-see below) of a patient who sustained a radial and ulnar fracture during USA Cup play. This case exemplifies the your ability to complement traditional management and allow for a successful reduction under local anesthesia. As I reviewed the visit records there were many cases where your skills in pain management allowed for a more thorough evaluation of the injury and served to improve the comfort of the patient. This, of course, is of fundamental importance in providing exemplary standard of care. Thanks once again for your efforts and I sincerely hope that the rest of the sports medicine community will integrate your approach into what ought to emerge as a standard of care.” Dr. Steven R Elias M.D., Ph.D. - Medical Director, Schwan's USA Cup Soccer Tournament, National Sports Center, 1700-105th Avenue NE, Blaine, Minnesota 55449
Reduction of Fracture by Orthopedic Surgeon, Schwan’s USA Soccer Cup
“... 2002 USA TOP Soccer Tournament in Blaine, MN. The patient is a 13-year old boy... X-rays showed the evidence of a displaced fracture of his left distal radius. He had significant pain, swelling, and deformity of his distal radius... Typically, this type of fracture is treated in the emergency room with reduction of the fracture under IV sedation, as well as a local lidocaine hematoma block. In this instance, conscious sedation with intravenous medications were not available... you were able to provide adequate relaxation for this patient by your use of verbal relaxation and hypnosis techniques. Excellent relaxation was obtained and an anatomic closed reduction of the distal radius fracture was performed. The patient indicated that he had no significant pain with the procedure.” Dr. Peter Parten, M.D. - Orthopedic Surgeon, Summit Orthopedics, LTD., St. Paul, MN
Reduction of Fracture:Patient’s Mother, Schwan’s USA Soccer Cup
“... my son Jacob...broke his wrist, fractured radius with deformity as well as a fractured ulna. With the expert care of the physicians... as well as the assistance of sports psychologist Dr. Petras, the fracture was able to be successfully reduced under local anesthesia... They (physicians, Dr. Petras) were amazingly skilled and so kind and gentle in their approach. Being an RN, I had some knowledge as to what should transpire in the procedure but my focus was on my son. I watched Jacob’s face during the procedure and he only winced once... I could not be more pleased with the care that Jacob received...” Nancy Shoup, RN, Pierre, SD
Breast Cancer Surgery Pain
Sessions performed over the telephone:
“I don't quite know where to start...I guess I will start with an update on Patty. She sailed through yesterday (cancer operation) - no pain, no problems, and a fantastic outcome...the initial report is no cancer spread and all clear margins from the lumpectomy site...Findings that were expected given our conversations with you. Patty and I both spoke with the different healthcare providers about your help and work yesterday and they seemed understandably impressed - especially seeing how well Patty did. This morning, the surgical nurse specialist called Patty for a routine follow-up and asked how Patty was doing and how the pain was - was the pain med. working adequately? To which Patty replied that she had no pain and although she took one pain pill last night, she really did not need it. This truly impressed this nurse and she commented that, "we need to get him (you) here. We do attribute her remarkable experience to your help.” (Author’s note: I met Patty, in person, for the first time, in July 2004, after we had already worked together. She indicated that she has had three subsequent operations, since our work over the phone, reasons unknown to me, and in each case she did not need anesthetic.) Dr. Ward Brown, M.D., F.A.C.C., Cardiologist - Gundersen Lutheran Heart Institute, La Crosse, WI
Surgical Procedure, Phoenix Suns-Dr. Marilyn Wells
“... On November 5 of this year, I had had a fairly painful surgical procedure. Although I had Percocet for pain, it wasn’t doing much good. Dr. Petras came over to my house and spent about an hour working with me to teach me to control my pain level, and by the time he finished, I had hardly any pain at all! Much to my surprise, the benefits lasted for at least the next week, and when my surgeon saw my incisions about 10 days later, she said that they looked a good two weeks more advanced in healing than they actually were... I know you are inundated with letters and calls from various therapists who are trying to get their hands on the Suns players, because that used to be one of my jobs with the medical team—handling all the offers and demands of well-intentioned people who had better answers than we did—to hear them tell it, at least! But Dr. Petras really does have something worth considering, that I think could significantly help speed injury recovery time and reduce costs of treatment. His treatment is unique in that he can conduct sessions over the phone just as effectively as in person, which means that treatments could even be provided on the team plane going to or from a game, as well as at hotels or player’s homes. His methods would in no way conflict or compete with the methods you use, and would in fact complement them nicely. He has had many years experience in working with coaches, trainers, and team physicians in a wide variety of different sports. On numerous occasions, he has been able to return players to active status without the use of medications or surgery, although he can also help to speed recovery from surgery when that is indicated. Dr. Petras is also sensitive to issues concerning the “media” and he prefers to remain in the background and refer all inquiries to the trainers or physicians. He is a “team player” par excellence! I can assure you that this method is unlike anything else you have ever seen! Marilyn C. Wells, D.O., Phoenix Suns, Phoenix Coyotes, Phoenix Mercury physician, Medical Director-Oasis Medical Associates, Scottsdale, AZ
Dr. Milton Seifert-Testimonial
“...we are colleagues of long standing...I have directly observed the pain management techniques as practiced by Dr. Petras. I am also familiar with the success he has had in the treatment of acute athletic injuries. I admire his work and his results...Finally, I am impressed with the way Dr. Petras brings the scientific method to his work. One project involved a study of St. Paul City employees with severe pain syndromes. He measured their health status, provided a series of treatments and followed their progress for over a year. Incidentally, both the short term and long term outcomes were good...Dr. Petras is a colleague I admire a lot. He is skilled as both a clinician and as a clinical researcher. Milton H. Seifert, Jr., M.D., Medical Director - Eagle Medical, Excelsior, MN
Dr. Milton Seifert-Testimonial
… I am recommending Dr. Petras to patients of our own medical practice…He connects the mind to the body; He gets the mind to open up the body’s own drugstore; His talking-treatment releases the body’s relaxation response; Your mind has control over your body chemistry – that’s how the brain works. The Dr. Petras method gets the brain to correct the chemistry of pain…I have witnessed the pain lines on a face literally dissolve…patients become pain free and function restored almost instantaneously… Patients describe Dr. Petras as gentle, caring and relaxed…his results are real… Milton H. Seifert, Jr., M.D., Medical Director - Eagle Medical, Excelsior, MN (11/05)
Dr. Michael Loes-Testimonial
"I have heard a version of this talk (on an upcoming presentation, 9/07). It was presented to medical students and well received. It is sound, stimulates thinking outside the box, and works." Michael W. Loes M.D. M.D. (H), member of Clinical Board for AAPM
Dr. Ralph McKinney-Testimonial
Hi Ray. “I have finally been watching you on YouTube.com and it is great. You are very effective with these folks. Your work is quit a bit more rapid and direct than mine. It is pretty darn efficient, too. I admire that. Again. I would like to know more about your efficient, rapid work. I want to pick your brain.” Ralph McKinney, Ph.D., LP. Past president of ASCH and MSCH.
StP Research Study
“Cost Benefits--PNPR™ was a part of St. Paul’s cost-benefit evaluation of various worker’s compensation initiatives implemented in 1998. As a whole (no break down available), these initiatives saved the City of St. Paul over $1,000,000.00. Injury costs per employee were reduced from $1553.00 in 1997 to $660.00 in 1998.” Roger Schwagmeyer - Safety/ADA Coordinator, City of St. Paul, MN
StP Research Study
“We (City of St. Paul, Risk Management Division) commissioned Dr. Petras to do a study with our employees. At first, we provided our most difficult employees who were not progressing through conventional treatment for their worker’s compensation related injuries and reported chronic pain...Most left his treatment with little or no pain...after two years, most are still pain-free...I have personally attended a meeting with Dr. Petras and management representatives from Medtronic’s when he worked with a young man with chronic back pain. In a matter of 15 minutes, the young man’s back was gone...One of our employees had Lyme disease...her pain was completely gone after the first session with Dr. Petras.” Roger Schwagmeyer - Safety/ADA Coordinator, City of St. Paul, MN
Roger Schwagmeyer-patient observation
“... I asked a co-worker of mine who has Lyme Disease for nine years to participate in Dr. Petras’ system. She had tried everything to eliminate the pain but did not have success. After five sessions (first session, actually), she was totally pain free and two years later is still pain free. She is 60 years old and ‘a happy camper.’” Roger Schwagmeyer - Safety/ADA Coordinator, City of St. Paul, MN as reported to John Bassetti, reporter for The Vindicator, Youngstown, OH.
Presentation-Construction Division
“I realize a couple of participants were nonbelievers...It was simply a matter of doing a demonstration, and you certainly converted the group...You were obviously the talk of the town...People were talking about using you and getting carriers to use you” Bill Claflin - Vice President, Construction Industry Division - Willis Corroon Corporation of Minnesota
Shoulder ROM-Improvement
"In just 7 minutes under your suggestion, I was able to enjoy full range of motion with my right arm, which, as you will recall, was not possible before the session. You have much to offer sports psychology, in both pain management and psychological motivation." Kitty Frazier - US Women Archer of the Year-1990, US Field Archery Champion-1989
Shoulder Pain
"The effect this procedure had on my shoulder was amazing to me. For the whole tournament, I did not have any pain in my shoulder." (Note: Later athlete indicated that the pain never returned) Sherry Robberson- Olympic Festival, Gold Medalist (‘90), USA Archery Team
"It is my opinion that Ray's technique is very effective and should be considered by any sports program interested in relieving sports pain without drugs." Terry LaBeau - West Team Leader - Archery, 1990 Olympic Festival
“You worked on the rotation of his shoulder for about 10 minutes and his pain went away. I’ve heard since then that the pain hasn’t returned.” Earl Meyers - North Team Leader - Archery, 1990 Olympic Festival
“... Glenn asked if you would work on his shoulder, you did and he said he felt good and had no pain... Kitty (Frazier) told me you worked with her for about 10 minutes... her range of motion was almost 100% and no shoulder pain...I believe you have something of value to offer in the way of helping to remove pain...” Ed Krushnosky - National Coach, USA Archery, 1990 Olympic Festival, East Team Leader - Archery
“Our players found Dr. Petras’ techniques to be quite helpful in terms of managing pain and in some cases eliminating pain altogether. Their performance on the court improved. In addition, their recovery times, during their injuries, was accelerated greatly.” Jack Eisenmann- Head Men’s Basketball Coach, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
“Our starting Post player (Danielle Larose - see below) who had been injured for an entire year with a stress fracture in her foot. She had been having continued pain even though the injured area had healed and the sports medicine doctors on our staff were predicting a continued 2-3 month layoff. Dr. Petras’ intervention resulted in an immediate full return to training at 100% capacity and the pain never returned. I found Dr. Petras’ approach with the athletes to be very polite, nonaggressive, and low key. He did not attempt to integrate into the team and was never a distraction. His work was a tremendous asset to our program... Dr. Petras is a very likable individual who has a genuine interest in helping athletes manage their pain. His work is innovative, interesting and most of all effective.” Wanda Pilon-Head Basketball Coach - Women, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
“I had sat out all last season due to a stress fracture... I was still experiencing pain... after our first session, I never experienced the sharp pain again... I worked with Dr. Petras for a sternoclavicular sprain and CMP syndrome in both knees... after two days, I had no more knee pain an the sprain seemed to heal within one week.” Danielle Larose - Basketball Player, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
To Elite, Professional Athletes & Others: “I highly recommend Dr. Raymond Petras for elite, professional or regular athletes and non-athletes, for that matter, who want to improve their performance or safely reduce or eliminate their pain and improve their range-of-motion using quick and effective noninvasive, drugless techniques. In about 10 minutes, after months of having limited motion in my left shoulder and working with many therapists, using Dr. Petras’ mental techniques, in one session, I was able to, permanently, gain full range-of-motion, in my left shoulder. The next session, I was able to increase my strength and decrease my pain by using similar techniques. I have worked with many sport psychologists and have found their methods to be outdated and ineffective with me. Dr. Petras’ performance enhancing techniques, however, are unique, easily understood, learned and implemented and have helped me tremendously.” Gea Johnson - 2002 US Olympic Bobsleigh Team, 1989-2003 Ranked 2nd in US Heptathlon, 1998-1999 1st 63K Weight Lifting, 1998 1st World Weight Lifting Team Trials
Cross Country Running - See Track & Field
“...it was amazing and dramatic to see how effective and immediate the results were. Perhaps the best way to describe our experience is to quote one of the players who was treated. He said, ‘It is like a miracle.’” John Gagliardi - Head Football Coach (Winningest Football Coach in History), Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN
“Dr. Petras’ two biggest contributions involved Gary Trettel, a junior running back, and Steve Muetzel, a junior quarterback. As a sophomore Gary had been a very average performer. Gary started for us the last half of the season but was very average...This season Gary broke 12 school records and the conference rushing record. Steve was a very average quarterback his sophomore year. As a freshman he only played J.V. and as a high school senior he was second team. Dr. Petras worked with Steve on confidence and assertiveness. This season Steve tied the school record for most TD passes in a game, and he moved to sixth place in career total offense and sixth place in career passing offense. The most astonishing thing Dr. Petras did was work with pain control... “We had a quarterback [Steve Metzel, at St. Thomas] who injured his shoulder and couldn’t lift his arm. We sent Steve to one or two orthopedic doctors and our training room was treating him with conventional methods. Dr. Petras worked with him for an hour or so on Thursday. On Saturday, he threw five touchdowns with his throwing arm. The injury never recurred. The same happened prior to the eighth game of the ‘94 season when Lambuth was two wins away from a conference crown and national playoffs. We had an all-America tight end [Justin Taylor] who was on crutches and unable to put weight on his ankle. We had him X-rayed by an orthopedic doctor who said he wouldn’t be able to play. Then I called Dr. Petras and asked him if he ever worked with someone over the phone. He said he worked with Canadian ice hockey players before... We put Justin in an office and Dr. Petras worked with him for 40 minutes over the phone. Taylor came out of the room carrying his crutches and the pain was gone. He played on Saturday. We went on to win the conference and we went on to the national playoffs. His pain never returned. Our university president saw what Dr. Petras had done for Taylor... He actually bought a ticket and flew Dr. Petras to Tennessee to work with more football players and other athletes - about 30 total... I’d say in the experience I’ve had working with him with my athletes since 1989, it significantly helped 80 percent...Dr. Petras worked on my son who was a high school senior. It was the day of an important game, and Mark was not supposed to be able to play because of a hip flexor injury. Dr. Petras removed the pain, Mark started on both offense and defense, had a pass interception and punted for a 40-yard average." Vic Wallace - Head Football Coach, University of St. Thomas, MN, Lambuth University, Jackson, TN
“As you may know, I was a Pro Bowl Linebacker and played with the Minnesota Vikings, NFL, for twelve years. During my career I sustained an injury to my left knee, which required surgery. When I met Dr. Petras, my good (right) knee, was hurting me and I was concerned. After a friendly game of golf, Craig (Master PGA golfer), Dr. Petras and our guests sat down for a brief presentation and demonstration of his Talking Away Pain™ (TAP™) technique. It was amazing. In 15-20 minutes, I was without any pain in my right knee. That was June 5th. I have played a lot of golf and been very active this summer and I am still pain free. I feel that Dr. Petras has something that could be of great benefit to professional athletes or anyone in pain for that matter.” Matt Blair - NFL Pro Bowl Linebacker - Minnesota Vikings, President - Matt Blair’s Celebrity Promotions, Edina, MN
“Dr. Petras worked on a helmet injury to my forearm and a slight groin pull I had during the Macalester game. In just one series of downs, on the sideline, he had my pain gone and my strength back to almost 100%. Amazing, just by using my mind. I also feel that Dr. Petras has improved me 100% on my mental preparation this year.” Gary Trettel - Kodak All American Football-1990, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
“I must say I am amazed at the effectiveness and the immediacy of your technique. I have been told that athletes who had been unable to compete, walked out of your session and competed a full speed... thank you for contributing to our conference championship and NAIA Final Four finish by our football team.” Dr. Thomas F. Boyd, President, Lambuth University, Jackson, TN
“I turned my ankle over... sharp, bursts of pain would occur frequently... I continued to go to physiotherapy... I saw Dr. Petras for about 45 minutes and after the session I had no pain. I was able to do any type of physical activity including bounding off the previously injured ankle.” Randy McPhee - Football Player, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
“... I have a fused vertebra in my low back and a partially fused vertebra in my neck. My neck always gives me problems after only a few holes. On January 12, 1999, Dr. Petras, in connection with the PGA, gave a seminar to Minnesota Golf Professionals on "The Mind-Body Approach for Enhanced Golfer Performance/Playing Pain Free". As I was the host of the seminar, Dr. Petras asked me to participate as his test subject. I'm happy he did. In a very short time using his method of ‘Talking Away Pain™’, my mobility increased by 20% in my neck, without pain. It truly was amazing. Having dealt with this problem for years and to have it improve drastically, almost immediately, was incredible. Every day I use Dr. Petras' simple steps and I continue to play pain free.” Rick Sitek - PGA Golf Professional/Manager, Dwan GC, Bloomington, MN
“... I had an injury that sidelined me from competitive golf for months and am still in the recovery and rehabilitation mode. Your techniques work! My rehabilitation has accelerated at a tremendous rate thanks to you.” Craig Waryan - PGA Master Professional, Troy Burne GC, Hudson, WI
“... my one session with you was a turning point in my game... your technique for focusing was very effective.” Kris Gentile - Ohio State Golf Team, Columbus, OH
“...Becky competed at the first gymnastics qualifier meet of this year and won fifth place on the beam... 15 months ago she shattered her ankle dismounting...she was preparing to complete again but needed the coach’s physical help to dismount...After her second session with you, she was able to do a basic dismount with minimal spotting...after the final session, was doing the dismount on her own! (Her coach noticed that her limp was disappearing...)” Diane Pietrs, Parent
“... Your pain management work has a ton of implications and obvious applications. I predict you’ll be hearing again from myself and those with whom I speak about your work.” E. J. McGuire - Coach Ottawa Senators, Philadelphia Flyers, Hockey
“A Major factor in our winning the Championship, was Dr. Ray Petras...Just before the playoffs, Dr. Petras worked with our injured athletes to relieve their pain and speed their healing. Many of these athletes were not expected to play because of their injuries. Not only did they play, but they played superbly. Dr. Petras worked closely with our doctors and trainer...when we got into a slump, we flew in Dr. Petras and in less that a week, he was able to help us get back on track...I am impressed with Dr. Petras’ expertise...He is likable, knows his role, is low key and was never a distraction. He has been a tremendous asset to my athletes, coaches and me. I highly recommend...” Robert Mongrain - Head Coach, NHL - former player, Hull Olympics (Canadian National Champions), Hull, Québec, Canada
“For the past three year, we have employed Dr. Petras to work with our hockey players for performance enhancement and pain management... our players returned to play more quickly than with standard physiotherapy methods alone. Our athletic therapist, Serge Haché, was amazed by the immediate recovery. I highly recommend...” Charles Henry - Governor, Hull Olympiques (Canadian National Champions), Hull, Québec, Canada.
“I am impressed with a unique technique developed by Dr. Ray Petras for relieving pain and improving range of motion thereby, accelerating the healing process…I examined athletes both prior to and after the intervention. I have observed rapid recovery that I did not believe possible…the technique is both very safe and effective. Therefore, I highly recommend his services to any professional or amateur organization wishing to accelerate the safe return to play of their athletes.” Serge Haché – Athletic Therapist, Hull Olympiques (Canadian National Champions), Hull, Québec, Canada.
“Dr. Petras was a major factor in the success of the team (Division champions, Canadian rank - five)... with his special pain management technique players were able to control their pain and play... In cases such as dislocations, he was able to expedite the healing process. Injuries that normally took four to five weeks, would take half the time... Dr. Petras always worked in conjunction with our team doctor and athletic therapist... Our captain had a cruciate ligament operation and with Dr. Petras’ help was back in half the time it would normally take... we had six players injured... he flew out and within a couple of days, under the supervision of our doctor, five of the players were ready to play... I can’t help but feel that Dr. Petras would make a strong contribution to your team’s success. When Dr. Petras reduces the time lost due to an injury, the player and the team both benefit. It’s a win, win combination.” Michel Goulet - Head Hockey Coach, OUAA East Division Coach of the Year, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Italian National Coach and 2006 Italian Olympic Coach.
“Dr. Ray Petras has shown what an impact, he can have on a team. The 2002-3 University of Ottawa hockey team had a number of injuries throughout the season. Before playoffs, there were five players injured and out of the lineup. By playoff time, Dr. Petras was able to help all the players’ back by reducing their recovery time and eliminating their pain. After he worked with them, they returned to our trainers and doctors who okayed them for play.” Mickey Goulet - Head Hockey Coach, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2006 Italian Olympic Coach.
“... Dr. Petras not only helped me with my injuries but he also helped my play by improving my concentration and in developing a pregame routine... injury to muscle above the knee... pain disappeared... two other injuries... ligaments in knee slightly stretched and torn and bruised hip... pain did not disappear instantaneously. However, Dr. Petras did help in alleviating the pain... These two injuries were healed more quickly than expected.” Alain Tardif - Canadian All Star - Hockey, Co-captain - 1st year player, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
“I dislocated my left shoulder during a hockey game. This was December 1992. I have had problems and pain, more or less for three years. When Dr. Petras and I sat down, my pain was 50 on a scale from 0-100. Dr. Petras worked with me for about 2 minutes, and since that, I have not felt any pain at all in my shoulder. That was on the 26th of May 1995, now it’s the 29th and I still have no pain. (In November, there was still no pain). Thank you Dr. Petras, Best Wishes.” Andreas Lennartsson, Sweden. (29/05/95)
“I’m ranked number two welterweight in Canada... diagnosed with stress fractures in both feet... I saw Dr. Petras once for my pain therapy... I then trained for three days for the Canadian Title and didn’t experience any pain... Although I lost on a decision, I didn’t experience any pain that day. On that day I gave it my all and threw hard kicks.” Troy Libbus - Kickboxer, Number Two Ranked Welterweight Canada
Race Walking - See Track & Field
Running - See Track & Field
Shotput - See Track & Field
“Dr. Petras. Thank you for showing me what I’m capable of doing.” Kristina Koznick - Olympian, USA Alpine Ski Team, 1998, Nagano, Japan, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah - Slalom skiing
“...in a matter of 2 or 3 minutes with your guidance, I was able to alter the amount of pain I was receiving from my chronic knee condition. The remarkable thing is that I am still having the same success today with the ‘absent’ pain as I did at our first meeting...I never realized the role that my ‘fear-of-pain’ played in the actual pain I was feeling...Also, I would like to express the positive reaction from the team members who attended our evening with you focusing on the benefits of psychology in sport. It was a hit! Many kids, as well as their parents, approached me on the subject long after your visit.” Tony Olin - Head Coach, Buck Hill Ski Team (a former coach of Olympian Koznick), Burnsville, MN
Speed Skating
“I was very pleased that Dr. Petras was willing to put in extra time and effort to get the best results... I was pleased that Dr. Petras taught the skaters to solve problems themselves and not to become dependent upon him...A unique aspect of Dr. Petras’ work is a pain relief technique that he uses to “Talk Away Pain™.” During one group, sport psychology session, he demonstrated this technique on a female skater with knee pain. In just a few minutes, her pain was totally gone. Dr. Petras also worked with a male skater, during an individual session, for hip pain. Again, in a few minutes, the pain was gone. I spoke with both skaters in the days following and for up to a month. The pain never returned. The possibilities for this type of treatment are...I am happy to recommend Dr. Petras’ services in the areas of performance enhancement (sport psychology) and pain management to coaches, teams, and athletes for both group and individual sessions.” Bart Schouten - Olympic Coach, 2002 Olympics/USA National Speed Skating Coach
“You enabled me to relax and have more confidence when I swim. Before I came to you my times haven’t had any improvement for about two years...After two sessions with you it helped me achieve three personal best times and make state qualifying standards which I couldn’t do two weeks before I saw you.” David Villanfana - Olympic hopeful, Swimmer, St. Paul, MN
“I had shin splints and back pain from diving. In one session Dr. Petras got rid of my pains. He worked on my shin splints and amazingly my back pain went away also.” Terry Starr - Diver - Nationally ranked, #1 in age group, Cleveland, OH
Track & Field
“I want to thank you for all your time in helping me prepare for the 1992 Summer Olympic Games. The various techniques of visualization and relaxation helped me to focus and gave me a quiet confidence I needed to perform at my very best. My only regret is that I did not meet you earlier in my career. I think it is essential for athletes, especially young athletes, to develop their mental strength as well as their physical strength. It is a guaranteed edge in today’s competitive world of athletics.” Ron Backes - Olympian, 1992, Shot put, Barcelona, Spain
“Thanks so much for a great presentation. Marja the Finn ran with little to no pain yesterday. Cool!!!!!!!!!” Coach Wilson - Head Track Coach, University of Minnesota, Women’s X-Ctry
“... Dr. Raymond Petras did an exceptional job in working with my cross country athletes in the areas of sports performance and injury management. His work in mental imagery, progressive relaxation, pain control and goal setting is impressive and unparalleled in some respects. Students, staff, and athletes alike have been impressed with the results of his skillful techniques and his professional and caring demeanor... his work for and with me has been that of the consummate professional as evidenced in the interviews with him, in his writings and as a presenter in my classes and before teams and professional groups.” Dr. Larry Russ, B.A., D.C. - Head Coach, Men’s Cross Country, University of St. Thomas, MN, 65+ All-Americans
“Before I started working with Dr. Petras, I had recurring pain in my hamstring. Doctors, Physical Therapists and Coaches worked with me to resolve the problem. All had varying degrees of success. After the first session with Dr. Petras’ pain management technique, I found that my pain had disappeared. That was nice, but I really didn’t think it would last, as it had come and gone before. Now, it has been over a year and I can honestly say that the pain has never come back. That’s terrific!” Mary Howell - USA National Team, USA Track & Field, Board Member, Race Walking
“I always believed that I had all the answers for my athletes, but suddenly I found I was helpless in dealing with an athlete’s problem (athlete was passing out during races). I never really believed in sport psychologists. Dr. Petras changed that. Dr. Petras successfully treated the problem... Michele (see below) placed well in the regional and national events... enabling the team to place sixth in the nation. I have total confidence in Dr. Petras and recommend that others utilize his skills to help maximize performance.” Joe Sweeney - Head Coach, Women’s Cross Country, University of St. Thomas, MN, 65+ All-Americans
“I am a 22 year old cross country runner who had been having problems passing out during my races... we worked on visualization and self-talk... The results were amazing... I ran my best time on this particular course, helping my team to a NCAA Central Region victory.” (The next week she helped her team place sixth in the nation; runner-up 3000m NCAA Division III Championships) Michelle Auger - Cross Country, GTE Academic All-American
Testimonials-XC Coach Sabala:
1. Cross Country Boys & Girls - District Meet– Over the phone work for performance and injuriesThank you for your work with my teams over the past few weeks. This past weekend, at our district meet, the boys walked away as district champions (ranked fourth). The girls finished in second (ranked fourth). We had seven all-district runners. Five boys placed in the top 20. Four ran season best. The girls placed five in the top 20 and most ran season best times. This was accomplished on a mud and water covered course. Our sixth man finished in the top third of the field. One girl (usually suffered headaches from a concussion) ran a season best time and was all-district. She did not complain about her head. Another girl was also all-district and finished right behind her above teammate. One boy was all-district, ran his season best and finished fourth. I saw a lot of good things happen over the past few weeks and I really feel you had a positive effect on a majority of the runners. I had a few tell me after the sessions they had no annoying pain, after you worked on their injuries, and they showed a new determined desire and a renewed focus in practice and in the race.
2. Update after District Meet-I asked my runners if they feel their success over the weekend had any relation to working with you, 80% of the runners said yes! They felt that you allowed them to be more at ease, more confident and they were able to use your techniques to perform to their optimal levels. The 20% either did not perform as well as they thought or just did not take advantage of using the techniques on their own. Personally, I have been running off and on with the team, mainly on the easy days. I have been doing more strengthening/conditioning programs and have gotten a lot stronger and lost around 15 pounds. (Coach Sabala had knee issues)
3. State MeetThank you again for your assistance this year. You have given me a better insight into preparing my athletes and I believe the athletes have a better understanding into how strong their mind really is.
4. One of our freshman girls, one that you helped with a glute issue, ran the fastest time a girl from our team has ever run at this event. It’s also her personal record. A sophomore girl ran her season best time. She really benefited from working with you. Our #7 runner improved by a minute from last week. The boys had a great performance. One boy finished 28th and missed all state by 3 spots. He ran a season best. We had a senior run his season best time and a freshman run his season best time. Overall, they improved and competed the whole time. Thanks again. I appreciate all you have done for my daughter, my athletes and me. You have allowed me to gain better knowledge to be a better person in all areas of my life. Have a great weekend! Head Coach Mark Sabala-Hermitage XC, MO. Coach Sabala was interview on the third segment:
“... but I never thought I would take away as much from your speech as I did. The visualizing and concentration exercise really helped me to clear my head. I have tried it several times since and every time I am able to clear my head and really think straight. Then you told me you were going to erase the pain from my stress fracture in my left tibia, and I thought to myself “He is nuts.” At first I visualized my pain on a thermometer at 20. But with concentration was able to lower it to 5 and then to 0. When we ended I was surprised to see I had no pain or soreness in the part of my leg that was fractured. I thought it was just a momentary relief but to my surprise when I got up (in the morning) there was still no pain. Even more surprising to me was the fact that I’ve had no pain in that area of my leg since. The one-hour you spent talking to my team and the ten minutes you spent working with me helped lead me to getting my cast off two weeks early and allowed me to start training sooner than I would have otherwise. I never though it was possible to completely get rid of pain solely by visualizing that it was gone. I intend on continuing to use the visualization techniques you taught me to help over come stressful times and painful injuries.” William Duckworth - Cross Country athlete, Ursuline High School, Yo. OH
Weight Lifting
“Trevor is lifting near pre-injury weights now and it is pain free which thrills him...” Dick Cockerill, D.C.
“Dr. Petras was an enormous help to me at a very important moment in my life. He helped alleviate the pain caused by a crippling accident, and perhaps more importantly, helped me gain the proper mental attitude necessary to allow my body to help heal itself.” Jack Willis - President & CEO, Twin Cities Public Television
“The last two years, I’ve suffered from a pain in my knees. I couldn’t bend down without pain...After the ‘treatment’ (about 15-20 minutes), I was able to bend my knees...a wonderful feeling.” Sven Pettersson - Mental Trainer, Sweden
“I had been suffering from neck pain and limited range of motion for several months prior to this conference. On my drive to the conference, I was having particular difficulty turning my head to check for traffic while driving. After Dr. Petras worked on me, I not only felt no neck pain, but I was able to freely turn my head on the drive home.” (“Sue Johnston told me you ‘changed her life forever’ (she was at the conference last year with the neck problem) - no more pain! Great!!!”-MLinnihan, Director- Metro Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Program/Minnesota <melinnihan@earthlink.net> Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:15:26 -0400 (EDT)) Sue Johnson, MSW, LICSW, St. Paul, MN
“I want to thank you for the relief you have given me with my foot pain... You asked for a volunteer (at CISM Conference) who was suffering from pain and could not find relief. Using your technique, I am glad to say I am no longer suffering from the severe pain I had in my left foot. I am now able to walk in the morning and complete workouts pain free.” Renee Meuwissen- Police Officer, Hopkins Police Dept., MN
“Dr. Petras demonstrated on Frank and told the rest of us to follow along. After approximately ten minutes, Frank’s back pain was totally gone and the pain in his neck was negligible. I, myself, experienced a reduction in pain and improved to full range of motion, just watching...Since the demonstration, over two and half months ago, I have been able to turn my head around and look back as I drive out of my driveway. This had not been possible since my auto accident two years ago. Frank reports no pain.” James Wagner - Business Manager, IBEW Local Union 110, St. Paul, MN
“I need to testify that in about 20 minutes on Thursday, Sept. 4 (1997), I was talked out of my pain by Dr. Petras. My pain was from a broken toe certified broken by x-ray at Smiley’s Clinic. Friday, Sept. 5, I rock ‘n rolled danced on a concrete floor for nearly four hours without pain connected to that broken toe. I still felt the bruise/blister on the bottom and the end of the toenail but that is all. The greatest benefit, however, is that I no longer contorted the rest of my lower body to relieve the pain.” James Livingston, (Age-mid 60’s), Minneapolis, MN
“I was in a car accident in mid-January. I’m not a hospital type person and do not like taking muscle relaxers just to cover up the pain I was having in my back. Dr. Petras was able to help me control and manage the pain everyday, not to hide it and pretend it is not there. His techniques I use everyday in any situation.” Audrey Gonzales, Auto Accident
“I’ve suffered from chronic knee pain for 10-12 years...I received different diagnosis...taken anti-inflammatories for the last 6-7 years...Since the one session with you, my knees have bothered me only twice. On both occasions I was able to get rid of the pain by rerunning our session through my mind... I am ever so grateful.” Angeline Poirier - Student, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
“I want to thank you again for helping me with the pain in my neck and shoulders... It as so persistent and so painful that I was starting to feel other pains... I had been to a doctor, a chiropractor (whose treatment made it worse!), and even a rolfer, but nothing helped... Your treatment had almost immediate effect. The next day I was able to move my head around freely... Thank you so much for your treatment.” Gail Duke - Writer
“I just wanted to thank you for teaching me the technique to deal with my chronic pain. I feel that your technique has been very beneficial for me and hopefully others will benefit from it. The tape you made for me has been very helpful and I listen to it frequently.” (Steve’s doctor reported to John Brandtjen [worker’s comp. manager] that Steve reports no pain - Roger Schwagmeyer, Risk Mgt. City of St. Paul, MN) Stephen Schwietz - Fireman, Department of Fire and Safety Services, City of St. Paul, MN
“My father experienced more progress after two sessions with you than he had in the previous, four years since his tragedy (stroke). This means the world to him. He couldn’t wait to tell me, “I can walk without my cane! I can walk without my brace!” ...Thank you for the priceless present... Leslie Chain - Film Producer
“... I was tested for Lyme disease in 1988... and finally diagnosed in 1991...I was told about Dr. Petras...and was skeptical...His method of treatment did not require my body to accept any type of medication or vitamins. I felt it was my answer...The first session...I was pain free for the first time in many years...for the first time in a long time I felt I was in control rather than the disease...Each session brought me closer to my normal self. My energy level was coming back...I am healthier now than I have been in a long time and I can thank Dr. Petras for that.” Jan Bunde - City of St. Paul, MN Risk Management, Retired
“... the day I met Dr. Petras, I injured my hand and was in considerable pain (I thought it was broken although I did not have an x-ray). My horse had slammed his head against my hand while I was in the saddle...The session, on the backside, took about 10 minutes. Instead of trying to block out my pain though, Dr. Petras showed me how to use my mind to have the pain go away if it was healthy for me to have it happen. Amazingly, the pain left and never returned. His technique was quick and effective. I highly recommend...” Wendy Ohnstad, Horse Trainer (former nurse, jockey)
“...I was chosen to help with the demonstration out of about 20 people. I, along with quite a few others in the room, noticed a change in their pain. I was amazed!” Eleanor Cicerelli, Participant in Demonstration on Instantaneous Healing (3/29/03), Glendale, AZ
“Everything is great, in body terms. I am relaxed and moving easily. I can walk distances, this morning 1.3 miles. I will continue to build up. Also sex is extremely more enjoyable. All these changes happened so quickly. After all the years I have been disabled, it is hard to imagine this life-consuming burden can be lifted so effortlessly... Still, after nine years of pain (sometimes unbearable) it seems to good to be true.” Elizabeth Carr, Minneapolis, MN (8/23/92)
“I met you on the World Congress on Mental Training and Excellence in Ottawa and you helped me with my back and my neck...I am really grateful for what you did for me. I had great pains in my back and in my neck. All my pain in my back went away the next day and most of it already when you worked with me. My neck is much better than it was...I do feel that I am so much better. Thank you, very much.” Doris Dahlin Holmqvist, Stockholm, Sweden
Patella Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis (over-the-phone)“I am a baseball and cross-country coach. In April 2013, I contacted Dr. Raymond J. Petras. I told him, for the past 20 years, I experienced painful patella tendonitis due to an auto accident. During these 20 years, I underwent nine operations, six since 2006. Nothing helped reduce my pain...After the first session, my pain was gone. It never returned. I have been able to run pain free for the first time in quite awhile…I had been experiencing pain from plantar fasciitis (PF) on my other foot…After one session, the PF pain decreased substantially. After the next session, the pain was gone. When I become overly stressed, sometimes the plantar pain returns, to a lesser degree. When I calm down, it goes away.” Mark Sabala, Wheatland, MO.
Hand Fracture (over-the-phone)“While working on the PF, I mentioned that my 10-year old daughter broke her right hand, above her ring finger. After my session, Dr. Petras had my daughter to come into the room. She was experiencing considerable pain from the 2 day old break. After roughly 5 minutes, her pain was gone. For the next 2 weeks, she never experienced pain. Her physician was surprised at the speed of her healing and released her at 3 weeks versus the normal 6-8 weeks. She is back to playing softball with no signs of discomfort. Mark Sabala, Wheatland, MO.
Chronic Undiagnosed Pain
Hello Dr. Petras: A few years ago I sought your help in dealing with chronic undiagnosed pain. I wanted to let you know that the mesh that the original surgeon implanted to repair a hernia was done incorrectly. The mesh was hitting my main nerve and ripping the tissue it was affixed to with body movement. Since its removal in 2012, my pain has been reduced by 90%. I now work for a hedge fund. Out of the psychologists I saw, and subsequently was required to see by the pain specialist, you by FAR gave me the most value, great outlook, and skills to manage the issue. I wanted to say thank you for helping me through a very tough time. Thank you for your time. David
Musician/Song Writer
“Dear Dr. Petras: Thank you for unlocking my performance potential. I no longer have that shaky, high anxiety on-stage. Each time I perform, my confidence becomes greater and my enjoyment increases. It's amazing how such a simple program can produce such a huge difference, and so quickly.” Pat F. (musician and song writer) Wednesday, February 2, 2011, Scottsdale, AZ.
I am sure your therapy sessions teaching people unique, mental techniques would be of benefit to any chronic pain sufferer… Thank you for the intriguing workshop involving emotions in the control of pain that you presented at our February 8, 2006, meeting of the Scottsdale Chapter of the American Chronic Pain Association… You communicated that by using certain mental techniques, we could assume some control over our incessant pain. Penny A. Rickhoff, Regional Director of Arizona, American Chronic Pain Association